Delivery Information

1.1 The goods you order will be delivered to the address you give when you place your order, except that some deliveries are not made outside the United Kingdom. Deliveries are normally made between the hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
1.2 Orders are processed as soon as possible based on warehouse capacity and delivered as per the requested delivery option provided no additional security checks are required and all stock items are available. (A working day is any day other than weekends and bank or other public holidays.) 
1.2.1 Where on the website we have indicated items in stock, we shall endeavour but not guarantee to deliver the goods, once ordered within 3 working days.
1.2.2 We shall provide a tracking number which will allow you the customer to track your shipment with the specified courier company.
1.2.3 It may be the case that if some items are not in stock, or the balance is not in stock, we shall inform you by your email address of the same, and advise you of the anticipated delivery date.
1.3 If delivery cannot be made to your address for reasons under the Supplier's control the Supplier will inform you as soon as possible.
1.4 Somebody will need to sign for your delivery unless you specify special delivery instructions in advance. If you deliberately fail to take delivery of the goods (otherwise than by reason of circumstances under control of the Supplier) then without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Supplier, the Supplier may:
1.4.1 store the goods until actual delivery and charge you for reasonable costs (including insurance) of storage; or
1.4.2 sell the goods at the best readily obtainable price and(after deducting all reasonable storage and selling expenses) account to you for any excess over the price you agreed to pay for the goods or charge you for any shortfall below the price you agreed to pay for the goods.
1.5 If you fail to take delivery because you have cancelled your contract under the Distance Selling Regulations the Supplier shall refund or re-credit you within 30 days for any sum that has been paid by you or debited from your credit card for the goods, less any expenses incurred for failed delivery.
1.6 Every effort will be made to deliver the goods as soon as possible after your order has been accepted. However, the Supplier will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you through reasonable or unavoidable delay in delivery. In this case, the Supplier will inform you as soon as possible.
1.7 Time for delivery shall not be of the essence. The goods maybe delivered by the Supplier in advance of the quoted delivery date.
1.8 Upon receipt of your order you will be asked to sign for the goods received in good condition. If you are unable to check the contents of the package at that moment in time please sign for the parcel as"UNCHECKED". Failure to do so may affect any warranty claims that you make thereafter.
1.9 When your order arrives you must check for damages and or shortages. Claims for damages and or shortages have to be made within 48 hours of receipt of your delivery. Claims for damages and or shortages made after 48 hours of your delivery arriving will be refused. Time and date of delivery is recorded with our carriers.
1.9.1 To make a claim for any damages and or shortages you must immediately send an email to stating your invoice number and the details of the damages or shortages.
1.9.2 You must then arrange for any damaged goods to be returned to Handsn UK Limited, 31 Derby Street , Manchester M8 8HW, United Kingdom within 7 working days of your claim at your cost, for us to be able process your claim further.
1.10 Keep all the packaging from your delivery in a secure dry environment in case you need to return any part of your order to us.